Cool facts about Salt Bae

Salt Bae is one of the Instagram sensations, and most people have seen viral videos of Salt Bae cutting meat and sprinkling salt. But do you know some cool facts about Salt Bae?

  • Salt Bae has spent most of his life around meat.
  • Salt Bae works 18 hours a day.
  • Salt Bae goes to the gym and gets back to work every day and work from morning till midnight, even after having $50million worth of money.
  • Salt Bae only sleeps for 4 hours every day.
  • Many celebrities have dined in the Nusr-Et, which is Salt Bae’s restaurant.
  • Salt Bae is single and even doesn’t have a girlfriend.

Do you know?

  • Salt Bae appeared in an episode of the famous television series Narcos, based on Pablo Escobar’s life, the well-known drug dealer of history, to serve his style of meat to the TV series characters.
  • His restaurant Nusr-Et menus are published in the New York Times.
  • His official Instagram page has more than 38 million followers.
  • Rihanna once wore a T-shirt that reflected Salt Bae posing with his famous sprinkling of the salt pose.